DNA Paternal Ancestry Test

Explore your paternal heritage by testing your Y-DNA (males only).

  • Trace your recent maternal and paternal ancestry
  • Define both your maternal and paternal ethnic backgrounds
  • Explore your maternal and paternal origins across generations
  • Search a global database for long-lost relatives from both maternal & paternal lines
  • Compare your DNA against historical figures


About the test

Uncover Your Maternal and Paternal Origins

Tracing your complete ancestry involves looking at both your maternal and paternal lines. Your mtDNA (maternal DNA) is passed down unchanged from mother to child, making it the ideal tool for tracing your maternal ancestry. Meanwhile, your Y-DNA (paternal DNA) is passed down from father to son, offering an exclusive pathway to uncovering your paternal lineage.

Our combo test covers both of these crucial genetic markers, allowing you to trace your ancestry on both sides of your family tree. Start uncovering your full ancestral story today!

Important: This test can be taken by both males and females. While males can trace both their maternal and paternal lineages, females can only trace their maternal lineage through mtDNA and can learn about their paternal line by testing a male relative’s Y-DNA.

Genetic Profile

Available Testing Options

Choose the number of Y-DNA STR markers you’d like to have analyzed to trace your paternal lineage:

  • Standard Test: 20 STR markers
  • Advanced Test: 44 STR markers
  • Premium Test: 101 STR markers. This option offers the highest resolution and the most accurate Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) calculation.

Upgrade Options: Start with the Standard Test and, if necessary, easily upgrade to the Advanced or Premium Test for a more detailed resolution.

Combo Ancestry Test: Males can also explore their maternal ancestry through the Maternal Ancestry Test. With the Combo Ancestry Test, males can analyze both their maternal and paternal ancestry at once—offering a complete family tree analysis.

Y-DNA is the genetic material found on the male sex chromosome – the Y chromosome. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 autosomal pairs and 2 sex chromosomes – X and Y. While females inherit one X chromosome from each parent, males inherit an X chromosome from their mother and a Y chromosome from their father. Since there is minimal recombination (mixing) between the X and Y chromosomes in males, Y-DNA remains largely unchanged through the paternal line, making it an ideal tool for tracing paternal ancestry.

Y-DNA STR (Short Tandem Repeat) testing examines specific markers on the Y chromosome. These STR markers are short DNA segments (ranging from 2 to 13 nucleotides in length) that repeat multiple times. The number of repeats varies between individuals, and these differences can help identify relationships and ancestral links. The more closely related two individuals are on the paternal line, the more similar their Y-DNA STR profiles will be.

Our Y-DNA STR test uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to analyze a specific set of Y-DNA markers. The test determines the number of repeats at each marker, and depending on the test option selected (20, 44, or 101 markers), the level of detail will vary. By comparing the STR profiles of two individuals, we can assess how closely related they are along their paternal line. A key calculation, Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA), can estimate how many generations ago the two males likely shared a common paternal ancestor. The more STR markers tested, the more precise the TMRCA and the comparison will be.

This test is a powerful tool for uncovering your paternal lineage, verifying relationships, and connecting to distant relatives or historical figures.

What is Y-DNA?

Y-DNA is the genetic material found on the male sex chromosome – the Y chromosome. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 autosomal pairs and 2 sex chromosomes – X and Y. While females inherit one X chromosome from each parent, males inherit an X chromosome from their mother and a Y chromosome from their father. Since there is minimal recombination (mixing) between the X and Y chromosomes in males, Y-DNA remains largely unchanged through the paternal line, making it an ideal tool for tracing paternal ancestry.

Y-DNA STR (Short Tandem Repeat) testing examines specific markers on the Y chromosome. These STR markers are short DNA segments (ranging from 2 to 13 nucleotides in length) that repeat multiple times. The number of repeats varies between individuals, and these differences can help identify relationships and ancestral links. The more closely related two individuals are on the paternal line, the more similar their Y-DNA STR profiles will be.

Our Y-DNA STR test uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to analyze a specific set of Y-DNA markers. The test determines the number of repeats at each marker, and depending on the test option selected (20, 44, or 101 markers), the level of detail will vary. By comparing the STR profiles of two individuals, we can assess how closely related they are along their paternal line. A key calculation, Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA), can estimate how many generations ago the two males likely shared a common paternal ancestor. The more STR markers tested, the more precise the TMRCA and the comparison will be.

This test is a powerful tool for uncovering your paternal lineage, verifying relationships, and connecting to distant relatives or historical figures.

How it works

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Combo DNA Ancestry Test

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Available Testing Options

Choose the number of Y-DNA STR markers you’d like to have analyzed to trace your paternal lineage:

  • Standard Test: 20 STR markers
  • Advanced Test: 44 STR markers
  • Premium Test: 101 STR markers. This option offers the highest resolution and the most accurate Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) calculation.

Upgrade Options: Start with the Standard Test and, if necessary, easily upgrade to the Advanced or Premium Test for a more detailed resolution.

Combo Ancestry Test: Males can also explore their maternal ancestry through the Maternal Ancestry Test. With the Combo Ancestry Test, males can analyze both their maternal and paternal ancestry at once—offering a complete family tree analysis.

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